Thursday, December 20, 2012

What is Family?

Pre-K Friends discussed that everyone of them with all alikenesses and differences have something very special. It is their families. When morahs asked what is "family" there is what friends said...
Family means you don't stay alone. (Eli)
Family means to play peaceful and go to the store together. (Gabriel)
Family means to stay inside with your family. You  can't talk to strangers. (Benny)
Family is a brother, mother, father, cousins, gradparents and if someone's house breaks we take them into our house. (Ethan)
Family means you need to listen to them and have a great day.(Ariella)
Family is your mama, father, grandmothers and grandpas. (Sammy)
Family means your family stays with you and you have so much fun. (Leora)
Family is your mom, father, brother, grandma, grandpa, and of course me. (Dylan)
Family means a lot of fun, without family we would cry. (Nicole)
Family means you stay with each other. (Rochelle)

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