Friends said, that a head is for thinking, for a face or for a head band to have on.
Hands are for playing, touching, and holding. Arms are for hugging. Legs are for standing and sitting. Feet are for running, jumping, and hopping.
"What is a belly button for?", asked morah.
"It is for nothing", said some friends.
"It is for pressing it down", said others.
Some friends said, that when they were in mommies tummies, there was a special cord that connected them to mommies. When they were born, a doctor cut the cord off and tah-dah on its place appeared a belly button!
On Tuesday, Pre-K friends discussed what is inside of our body. Friends said that they know it all- bones, heart, brain, food and other staff.
We learned that each of Pre-K friends have 206 bones in their bodies. Our bones form SKELETON! We can't see it, it is under our skin and muscles. Bones give us shape, without it we would look like a blob. As we grow, our skeleton grows.
Do you know where are the smallest bones? Inside of our ears.
Do you know where are the biggest bones? In our legs.
Some skeleton bones do important job- they PROTECT internal organs.
A skull protects brain, ribcage protects heart and lungs. Muscles and joints help skeleton to move.
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