Sunday, December 23, 2012

Chanuka Story and Costums "Catch Up"

The Jewish people learning Torah and doing mitzvos in caves and when the Greeks came they pulled out their dreidels and played.

The Jewish people found one closed jug of oil with the Kohen Gadol's signature on it.
It was pure olive oil ready to light the menorah with.

The Kohen Gadol lighting the menorah.
(In the Beis Hamikdosh, the menorah had 7 branches plus one more for the shamesh helper candle. Today, we have 8 branches plus one more for the Shamesh as a reminder that the oil in the menorah burned for 8 days and nights.)

Friends lighting the menorah

In the process of crafting our menorahs

Squeezing olives for oil

Enjoying the oily donuts we made

Peeling potatoes for latkas

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