Sunday, December 2, 2012

Last Weekend News

After long weekend, Pre-K friends were very excited to share news...

This weekend, my grandma came to my house. I had a pillow fight with my uncle Eli, and he slept on the botton bunkbed, and then he slept up and I slept down because I was scared. (Ariella)
This weekend, I visited my grandmother and she gave us candies. It was on Shabbat. (Eli)
This weekend, I bumped into my brother and hurt myself. I felt like I want to cry. (Ethan)
This weekend, I went to the museum with my parents and saw an elephant skeleton. (Sammy)
This weekend, I went with Ilan to see "Batman"movie and then we went to Africa-Israel. (Benny)
This weekend, me and my sister together with grandparents took a train to Manhattan,(Gabriel)
This weekend, I saw all my cousins! Max, Molly, Yeron and Medor, but Medor was downstairs because he has a stomach bug. (Leora)
This weekend, I watched a movie about people with power with my mom. (Dylan)
This weekend, I went to eat ice cream with all my family. I had strawberry princess ice cream. I felt so happy. (Nicole)
This weekend, I visited my grandmother. I was trying to do a fip and hurt my lip. (Rochelle)

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