Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pre-K Week News

On Monday, a part of our classroom celling fell down due to a roof leaking.
Rabbi Avramel Okonov has reassured us that school administration is taking care of this matter.
For a while we could not be in our classroom but no one got upset. We tried our best to make it work. While Gena was cleaning all the celling mess, we had a  lunch in one of  pretended "Yerushalyim restaurants."
On Tuesday, friends visited a Senior Citizen Center. We came to visit elderly people who are someone's grandpas and grandmas. We put Chanukah smiles on their faces by performing our songs and giving out sugar cookies that we made ourselves.  

In return, we got chocolate and some real gelts.
Thursday was the day of our Chanukah performance for Mazel Day School friends who we miss a lot! We did an amazing job with the help of an amazing team!
Thank you to all of you, dear parents, for practicing songs with us and coming to our recital!Thank you to Sammy's and Benny's mom who helped us with Macabees costumes!
A special thank you to Ethan's mom and grandfather who made a very special decorations for our performance- dreidels which were a huge hit!  Thank you to Sammy's mom for posting our performance on
  WE HAD A HAPPY CHANUKAH with a miracle to share:)

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