Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Yom Kippur

On Yom Kippur – Hashem says I love you and I will forgive you if you
made a mistake.  We tell Hashem, we love Him too, so we will try our

best to do many Mitzvos and kind things to make Him happy. Every time we do a mitzva the scale that he measures our deeds on gets heavier and heavier which makes Him happy.

Hashem is very happy when we are nice to our friends and make them
feel happy. Before Yom Kippur, we go to our friends and say sorry
for anything we did or said to make them feel bad.

Benny modeling off Yom Kippur attire

On Yom Kippur we say, Hashem, we love You so much! We don’t want to think of anything but You! We don’t want to think about ourselves.

Here are some of the special things we do on Yom Kippur:

1) Some Mommies and Tatties don’t eat or drink.
2)We wear cloth shoes, no leather.
3)We don’t smear cream on ourselves or spray on perfume.
We daven to Hashem all day because we love Hashem so much and we ask Hashem for a great New Year.

We also try to wear white clothes since we resemble angels on Yom Kippur being that they dont eat. Also, because it symbolizes our neshama/ soul that is white, pure, and clean.

Getting a tour of the shul before Yom Kippur.

Nicole showing the class to take a penny from the slot in the coin case and put into the tzeddaka box.

Before Yom Kippur we want to do as many mitzvos as we can, such as, giving extra tzeddaka/ charity.
We voted together on which organization we would like to give our money to once our tzeddaka box fills tothe top. It was decided to donate it towards brides and grooms who need money for their wedding. :) 

Etelle mixing the honey cake

Before Yom Kippur, we ask preferably a parent or mentor to give us some honey cake. We do so because incase G-D has planned for us to need to ask another for help or for things we may need, this should be the only time to ask. We want G-D to provide for each of us what we need with abundance so we won't need to succumb and ask others.

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