Monday, October 15, 2012

All About Me- Neshama and Name

This week Pre-K friends started a very exciting unit "All About Me". The big idea of the unit is to help children to learn about their identify and pride.

Every Jewish child when he is born gets a very special gift from Hashem. When Morah asked friends what is it, they had different opinions...
Benny said, "It is a carriage."Nicole said, "It is milk." Eli said, " It is our body." Gabriel said, "It is a Torah" Etelle said, "It is swings." Ethan said, "It is a very special toy." Ethan was right saying that it is very special. That special thing is called Neshama. 
When Morah asked friends what is a Neshama, Rochelle said "that it is life", Eli said "it is our brain", Gabriel said "it is our heart." Friends were right saying that it is a part of us. Morah said that Neshama is a part of Hashem that is inside of each of us. It helps us to do right things. Our Neshama has a very special name- a Jewish Name. We usually get our names when we a little baby. Boys get their Jewish names by their bris when they are 8 days old. Girls get their names by Torah day- Monday, Thursday, Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh or Yom Tov. Friends love their names and everyone wanted to know who they are named after.

This week we talked about Sammy, Dylan and Etelle. They were named after amazing people who were smart, kind and did a lot of mitzvas, they were loved by their families very much.  

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