Monday, October 15, 2012


What is surprise friends had when they saw pictures of friends whose names start with the letter E. What a surprise! Eli, Etelle and Ethan names start with the letter of the week. These friends know the best how to write the letter. They said that is not the easiest one. To build it one needs one big line and THREE little lines. The letter E says /e/ like in words elephant, exit, elbow, elevator, eggs....

Friends practiced to write the letter E.
To celebrate the letter friends made EMPANADAS that are stuffed bread pastries found in Latin America or Spanish Cuisine. They can have different fillings: fruits, veggies. 
There is how to do them.

Make the dough.
We mixed 4 tbspoons of olive oil, 1 tbspoon of white vinegar, 1/2 cups of water, and 1/2 tspoon of salt together and mix it into 2 cups of flour ( for healthier option you can mix 1 cup white flour with 1 cup of whole wheat flour) Mix the dought until  soft and flexible, but not sticky. Put dough in fridge until it has cooled.
Once dough is cooled, roll out into circles or squares.
Fill with filling. Friends had three filling choices: chicken, cabbage, or pears.
We folded them over and creased with fork leaving nice rime on EMPANADAS.

Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes until dough gets nice golden color.  

It was Excellent Emanadas!  
To review the letter E sound please go to
To preteach the letter H sound please visit

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