Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rosh Hashana

The shofar comes from the horn of a ram. 
The shofar is blown on Rosh Hashana day to welcome in the Yom Tov (holiday).
While we listen to the sounds of the shofar, we think about the mistakes we did during the past year and how we want to start making better choices for the coming year.

Song: TTTO: "Where oh where has my little dog gone?"
Where oh where does a shofar come from?
It comes from the horn of a ram.
When oh when do we we blow the shofar?
On Rosh Hashana day.

We got a tutorial of where a shofar comes from, different sizes and shapes of it, and how it is used. 


On Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, we eat many different symbolic foods.
Pomegranate- it has many seeds, about 613 seeds which reminds us of the 613 Mitzvos written in the Torah.
We want this year to be a year full of mitzvos.
Apples dipped into honey- both foods are sweet and we want Hashem (G-D) to give us a sweet New Year.
Round challa- Round symbolizes a full cycle. We just finished a entire year.
Carrots- which are sweet. In Yiddish it is called meren which also means a lot. We want Hashem to give us a lot of sweet things this year.
Fish head- We want this year to be a thinking year.

Pre-K at the beach throwing bread to the fish. It seemed the birds were hungry since they got to it first. :)

After we eat our meal, we go to Tashlich which means to throw.
We go to a body of water with fish and we say a little prayer asking Hashem to forgive us for the mistakes we made. When we leave, were like newborn babies who never make mistakes.
Why do we go to a body of water with FISH? Because the eyes of fish are always open, just like Hashem's eyes are always open and sees everything we do. 

We had an apple tasting party. Here you can see what is our favorite colored apples.

Decorating the apple dish for Rosh Hashana using the colored apples that I love.

Getting into the sweet honey spirit while enjoying it with our afternoon snack.

Dip the apple in the honey,
Make a bracha loud and clear,
"Lishana Tova Umisuka,"
Have a happy and sweet New Year.

Sending off our Rosh Hashana cards to Mom and Dad.

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