Wednesday, October 10, 2012


A long time ago the Jews lived in the desert. There were snakes there
as well as tall mountains and a very hot sun. Hashem loved the Jews so
much he did not want them to get bitten by snakes or get very hot from
the sun. Hashem wanted to protect them and make them comfortable so he surrounded
them with 6 clouds plus one cloud to show them where to go. 
To remember this Mitzva we build a sukka and live there for 7 days. We
eat in the sukka do mitzvos in the sukka and some people.

Song: Take me out to the sukka
Take me out in the fall, put some schach on top of me,
Then decorations on tho the wall.
Shake shake shake the lulav
Along with the esrog too
And a one, two, three hadasim and two aravot!

On Sukkos we have a special mitzvah of lulav and estrog. We take 4
kinds of plants. 1. lulav- tall and skinny. 2. esrog- round and yellow.
3. Hadasim- 3 leaves. 4. Aravot- 2 leaves. They all look different. Some of these plants have a smell and some don’t. We put these all together and make the bracha Al Netilas Lulav and shake them. We show Hashem that we know that He loves when we are all together. Even though we may all have differences; look different, and act different, we can still be friends!
We shake in all directions to show that Hashem is everywhere.
Song: Did you ever shake a Lulav, a lulav, did you ever shake a lulav on a sukkos day?
Upwards and downwards and frontwards and backwards, did you ever shake a lulav on a sukkos day.

Decorating the sukka for our bulletin board.

Eli painting his sukka decoraion with great diligence.

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