Sunday, November 11, 2012

What would you do if it happens to you?

Pre-K learned new word- EVACUATION! It means take everything that is important and leave to safe place. For example, Ethan's grandparents evacuated to Ethan's house. Leora's family evacuated to her cousin's house.

We asked friends what would they take with them if they had to leave their house in emergency.
There is what they say,
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would put my diving shorts in my suitcase and take it with me. (Benny)
If had to leave my house in an emergency, I would take my cousins if they slept at my house, my toy snakes for them to have and fake strawberry shortcakes. ( Leora)
If I had to evacuate my house, I would take my clothing, my pajamas, my toy, and a flashlight. (Sammy)
If I would have to evacuate my house, I would take clothes and pajamas. (Sam)
If I had to evacuate, I would take my family, my dolls, my toys, my cat and dog. (Ariella)
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would take apples, cups and my brother. (Dylan)
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would take a car to go faster to a safe place. (Eli)
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would take a fork to eat with, food, and my baby, and a rope to save someone, and pizza. (Ethan)
If I had to evacuate my house, I would take makeup. (Nicole)
If I had to evacuate from my house before a hurricane, I would take my orange teddy bear with curly fur. (Rochelle)

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