Sunday, November 25, 2012

All About Me- Feeling Scared

Pre-K Friends continue learning about themselves.This week we talked about FEELINGS. Sometimes we feel happy,
sometimes we feel sad. Some times we are
excited, some times we feel afraid. No one
likes to be scared or afraid. It is not a happy feeling.  When we feel scared we might feel helpless, or might feel like running away. There is what friends said that  they are afraid or scared of...
I feel scared that my foot starts to bleed and I couldn't walk. (Ethan)
I feel scared when someone knocks in my door. (Etelle)
I feel scared when my father suddenly opens a door. It makes my body shake. (Eli)
I feel scared when I hear a tree banging its branch against my window. (Leora)
I am scared of  bulldogs. (Gabriel)
I am afraid that my mom leaves without me. I am scared to be alone. (Nicole)
I feel scared when a monster comes to my room. (Benny)
I am a little bit scared of fire in my bed. (Sam)
I am scared of a stranger coming to my house. (Sammy)
I am afraid that a monster would come to my house. (Ariella)
I am scared of fire. (Dylan)
I am scared to watch scary movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". I might dream about this movie. (Rochelle)

We discussed that a good way to resolve our fears is to talk to someone about it. Sometimes we'll find out that we don't need to be scared or afraid of what is scaring us. At the same time, it is better to avoid (don't do) things that might scare us like watching scary movies, listening to scary stories, or thinking scary thoughts. Feeling afraid is ok. The important thing is to do whatever we can to resolve our fear.
P.S. Dear Parents, "Feelings" unit gives you great opportunity to discuss with your child every one's fears. Please let your child know that it is "ok" feeling, some times this feeling keeps us away from real danger. The important thing is to talk to somebody about your fears and resolve them

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