Sunday, November 25, 2012

All About Me- Feeling Angry

Feeling angry is not a good feeling. Everyone gets angry when things don't happen the way you want them to happen. Sometimes one takes your things without asking, one does things that hurt you, sometimes your things get lost or broken. You feel angry! You feel bad- tempered. Friends discussed what makes them angry. There are what they said,
"I feel angry when Tima pulls from me a toy and throws it in the garbage." (Nicole)
I feel angry when my mom makes food but it is taking too long, and then I need to watch a movie by myself. (Sammy)
I feel angry when my cousin Susan who is 14 doesn't listen to me, and when my cousin Angelina doesn't look at my Ipad when I want to show her something.( Rochelle)
I feel angry when someone takes my ball without permission. (Eli)
I feel angry when my brother grabs away a toy that I want. (Sam)
I feel angry when somebody wants hits me. (Ethan)
I feel angry when Spike comes into my room. Spike is a spider. (Etelle)
I feel angry when my brother grabs things away from me. (Benny)
I feel angry when my sister takes my car and my fake wolf away from me. (Gabriel)
I feel angry when my friend Eliana takes my toy and my costume away from me. (Ariella)
I feel angry when my friend grabs my bicycle that I drive away from me. (Dylan)
I feel angry when my grandma doesn't visit me. (Leora)

Everyone gets angry. When we angry, we might things that we shouldn't it. The best way to resolve it is to STOP, THINK and MAKE RIGHT CHOICE. When you feel angry step back so you would not hurt anyone. Sometimes it is better to walk away from people who make you angry. Talk to the person you are angry with. Tell the person why you feel the way you do. Ask the person to stop doing what's making you angry. It is ok to cry. Handle your anger in positive way.

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