Thursday, November 22, 2012

This week we learned

The letter of these two weeks is the letter U. To make one you need to be a really good driver because you need to know how to make the U-turn. Start from the top, big line goes down, makes U-turn and goes up.
The letter U makes /u/ sound like in words uncle (that you see above), umbrella, underwear, upside down.
To review the letter U sound, please visit An amazing site that is highly recommended for sound learners and first time readers:)

This week, we really dedicated our time to learn how to write numbers 1,2,3, and 4.
It seems easy at the beginning... We need to remember that all numbers made of lines and curves. All numbers start from the top.
First, we wrote number 1. It was the easiest! Just one straight line.
Second, we wrote number 2. A big curve and little line.
Third, we wrote number 3. Little curve, little curve.
At last, we wrote number 4. "Letter L" and a big line across.
Remember, practice make it perfect!

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