Sunday, May 12, 2013


Hashem created the world along with a special gift called the Torah with the plan to give the Torah to a nation who would receive it happily. Angels were sent by Hashem and travelled from nation to nation asking all the people if they would like a special gift from Hashem called the Torah, to cherish and treasure. When they asked what was written inside and what it would entail in order to keep it holy, each nation quickly passed the angels along to another nation who may want to keep the Torah. The angels went from nation to nation offering the Torah but no one was interested.

Finally, the angles came to the desert where they found the Jewish Nation traveling. The angels offered the Torah to them from Hashem. Without hesitation and with great excitement, the Jewish people answered all together "Naaseh V'Nishma": "We will first do/accept, then we will hear what the Torah is all about and what it says inside." They were certain that if they were being offered something from Hashem who took them out of Mitzrayim and did so many good things for them, then no doubt it must be something good and special.
No sooner had the Jewish Nation declared that they wanted the Torah to keep holy, then angels came down from heaven and put two crowns with the words Naaseh V'Nishma on each of the Jewish people's heads.

Hashem then looked for a mountain in the desert on which to give the Torah and finally found a nice humble mountain in the midst of all the other ones who were being boastful of how pretty, tall, or wide they were and how Hashem would surely give the Torah on them because of their greatness. Yet, from all the mountains Hashem chose Sinai because that mountain didn't hold himself high and was kind. 
Har Sinai didn't have anything glorious or pretty about it, aside for being humble. 
Pre K sitting in the desert.

Hashem understood that a mountain on which the Torah would be given, must be dressed up. All of the sudden, Har Sinai felt a little tickle on his left side, and noticed that grass grew out from there, then it felt another tickle and saw grass growing from his right side, then it got another tickle from the top, bottom and all around and saw grass grew all over it. Then, pop, pop, pop... To Har Sinai's amazement beautiful flowers began growing out from everywhere in preparation for the giving of the Torah!

Hashem now told the B'Nei Yisroel to get ready for this special event! Moshe gathered the Jews around the mountain and then began to climb up. Hashem made the whole world quiet even the animals did not make any noise. Suddenly clouds came down on Har Sinai and there was thunder and lightening. The sound of the Shofar was heard and suddenly Hashem's voice came booming out saying “Ani Hashem Elokecha”. Everyone stood still. Even the animals didn't make a sound, and the trees didn't sway. All sick people were healed. Everyone waited excitedly. Then they heard Hashem saying the first 2 of the 10 Commandments.

When the Jews heard Hashem’s voice they all fainted and Hashem had to bring them all to life again! Moshe said the other 8 of them forty days later.
Eli holding the luchos on Har Sinai

Our bulletin board decorated in anticipation for Shavuos with all the friends standing around the mountain infront of the gate as not to touch the holy mountain just as we were commanded back in the desert.

I am a mountain so very high,
I can reach way up to the sky,
The Torah should be given on me,
because I am as tall as can be, you see!

Oh no! I am much greater than you!
There are so many things I can do,
The Torah should be given on me,
Because I am as great as can be, you see!

But little Har Sinai just stood there and sighed,
I know I’m not tall, I know I’m not wide.
The Torah won’t be given on me,
Because I am as small as can be, you see!

Of all of the mountains, Hashem chose Sinai,
Because he did not hold himself high,
He had such simple and humble ways
And from this we learn that humility pays!

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