Sunday, May 19, 2013

Excitements of the week

 Pre-K Friends started this week with exciting trip to the GYM!!!
 It is one safe place where strengths can be tested:)  
 On Tuesday, we discovered that all our butterflies out of their chrysalis.
We gave them food to eat- oranges. Friends noticed, that butterfly mouth reminds us a straw. 
Friends observed how butterflies were sipping orange juice through their straw-mouths.
Dear Dads, be aware that friends take very seriously preparation for Happy Father's Day rally. 
On Friday, friends made challah dough. Friends made sure to follow Morah Bella's recipe and separated challah when it was time.  
Friends continued discussions about wind. In class, we made kites and took them at the beach to catch some wind.  
 As per construction on the Boardwalk, friends easily overtook obstacles.
 Light, sky, land, wind... we had great time.

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