Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shavuos #2

After the Jewish people accepted the Torah, our lifetime guide, the thing which connects us to Hashem, and makes the world more spiritual, Hashem said He first needed a guarantor to know the Torah will be kept and learned by the Jewish nation for all of time when times will be easy or even tough. The Jews offered Him a variety of choices of people to stand surety that the Torah will always be kept, such as Avraham, but none were acceptable to Hashem. Then, in a stroke of inspired genius, we suggested that the Jewish children could sign on as guarantors. The adults will teach children the lovely and holy Torah and how to live it, and when the time will come for them to educate their children, they will teach them the Torah just the same. This proved acceptable to Hashem and He gave us the Torah. 
On Shavuot, we go to Shul to hear the Ten Commandments given to us at Har SInai. 

Decorating the bare mountain Sinai with grass and flowers.

On Shavuos we eat a dairy meal along with a meat meal an hour later. There are many reasons for eating dairy on this Yom Tov. One of them is that when Hashem gave us the Torah on Shabbos, we were told to keep kosher, but we werent yet told the exact details of how to keep kosher nor how to slaughter animals in a kosher way. We also werent able to kosher our dishes weve been eating on all the past while. In order to make things simpler since we wanted to make sure we were keeping the laws properly, we ate dairy.
Pre-K made cheesecake in honor of Shavuos. :) YUM!

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