Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Happiness Box

Everything started with a book. A story about a boy who was never satisfied with everything he had.
Someone's toys were always better, someone's food was always tastier. He was grumpy until his parents got a new washing machine. "Once more, they got something new only for themselves," thought the boy. His father had different idea. He said to his son that he can have a box from the washing machine all to himself. But it is not just a box, it is the Happiness Box. Once you come inside of the box, think only happy thoughts.   
Friends decided to make the Happiness Box. We found a box and painted it.
Drew happy pictures all around and...
got in. Friends were thinking only happy thoughts inside the box -about favorite toys,
spending time with families, going to their favorite places like beach and Zoo.  
After, friends reflected their thoughts on the paper. 

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