Friday, March 29, 2013

Pesach Story II

Pharoah did not let the Jewish people leave Mitzrayim to serve Hashem, instead he wanted them to serve him. But, Hashem had other plans. He wanted the Jewish people to serve Him and do so outside of Mitzrayim. Mitzrayim was full of idols and idol worshippers and it wasn't a good place to serve Hashem there. Now, Pharoah did not allow it to happen. He wouldnt let the Jewish people leave. Hashem told Moshe to warn Phaoroah that if he wont let the Jews go, Hashem will bring upon him and all the mitzriyim 10 harsh makos/plagues. No fun!!




Wild animals. Cattle disease. Boils. Hail. Grasshoppers. Darkness. (Dead) Sick Firstborn Children.

Hashem gave Pharoah and all the  Mitzriyim a chance to do teshuva in between every makka and let the Jews go. But they didn't take Hashem up on His kindness, instead they kept making the Jewish people work harder than before. So Hashem kept bringing more makos until the 10th one (death of the firstborn) where King Pharoah finally felt its fear nipping at him.He was afraid of (dying) getting sick because he was actually the first born child in his family. Boy oh boy! He was so afraid, he jumped out of bed in middle of the night running around town looking for Moshe in his Pajamas. Finally, when he found Moshe, he begged him to leave Mitzrayim immediately with all the Jewish people and everything they owned. Moshe was pleased to hear this, but he told Pharoah that the Jewish people will be leaving the  next day. Moshe wanted to leave in broad daylight when everyone could see that Hashem was watching over them and that the Jews were finally leaving a place almost impossible to leave.

The Jewish People leaving Mitzrayim

After three days of the Jewish people traveling out of Mitzrayim in the desert, King Pharoah started to get nervous. He could not believe he allowed such good workers such as the Jews to leave.They were honest and hardworking people and did as Pharoah said. He got his army together and ran after the Jews to bring them back. When the Jewish people saw they were being chased, they  feared this would be the end of what they believed to be the beginning of a good life.They tried to come up with a plan but there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. To their right and left were mountains which they couldn't easily get up with children and baggage.Behind them were the Mitzryim and in front of them was a big blue sea, the Yam Suf.
Moshe comforted them saying they had nothing to worry about, Hashem will not abandon them. They trusted Moshe and Hashem and kept walking. When they got to the Yam Suf, Nachshon the son of Aminodov, jumped in first, when the water was up to his neck, Moshe held up his walking stick and raised his hands to the heavens  Hashem created the most incredible miracle of all time. He did something special for the Jewish people that could not usually happen. He split the sea into two halves so the Jews were able to walk through on dry land. And so, that is exactly what they did until they got to safety at the other side of the sea. When the Mitzriyim  tried to walk into the water behind the Jews , Hashem closed the pathways and they got stuck in the water and never made it to the other side.
The Jewish people danced, sang, and praised Hashem for all the wonderful things He has done for them. :)

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