Saturday, March 2, 2013

Purim Party

Last Monday,Purim Shushan, was a super great day for Pre-K friends!
We had a Perfect Purim Party together with Kindergartners. At the beginning, we couldn't even recognize each other because everyone was wearing Purim costumes.  

First, we listened to Purim Story about powerful kind Ahashverosh, wise Mordechai, brave Queen Esther and evil Haman whose name we "noised" out with gragers.

After story, everyone did a Purim Fashion Runway:)
Do you know, who is this? This is our friend Eli in a lion costume.

Jewish people were saved! Evil Haman was punished!
Again Jewish people proved that together we are as one!
Let's celebrate with joyful dancing!

At the end, friends joined for a festive seuda (meal) with yummy hammentashes!
The Purim Party with Kindergartners was a great party!  

At Kindergarten, Ethan met his cousin Maya,
Etelle stopped by her brother's class to say hello to Dovid Moshe,
 Sam stopped by 1st graders to say hello to Dov.

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