Thursday, November 22, 2012

What does Thanksgiving teach us?

Long long time ago, in the land far away, there was a king who was very mean and rude to his people. Some people were UNHAPPY with him. They decided to go away from this country and find a free land where they can live the way they want. Over 100 people- pilgrims got together and bought a boat "Mayflower" then set for a journey.  The weather was cold and UNCOMFORTABLE, the sea was rough.  When pilgrims came to America, some friendly Indians helped them to settle down.

Some of Indianians stayed with the Pilgrims, and showed them how to plant their corn and wheat. After one year pass, Pilgrims invited Indians to join a feast! They sat together by a table and thanked G-d for food and friendship.

To continue the good Thanksgiving tradition of caring about others, Pre-K Friends participated in Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive. Thank you to all Pre-K Families for your 100% participation! Your care is truly teach our kids a very valuable lesson.

We shared a bottle of ketchup with our Nursery Friends. Sharing is caring! Caring is a very good feeling, it puts smiles on people faces.

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