Sunday, November 11, 2012

Letter and Number of the Week

The letter of the week was the letter I. To make one we need one big line and two little lines. The I says /i/ like in words ink, igloo, inside. Friends learned that a newborn baby is called INFANT. Bug with six legs, three parts of body, two antennas... is called INSECT and there is a kind of lizard that is called IGUANA, All these words start with the letter I. Please visit link to review the letter I sound. This coming week, Pre-K friends are going to review the sounds of the letter E and I.
The number of the week is the number 4. Friends easily found the number on the number line. It was easy, said friends. It stays right after 3, before number 5.
4  is more than 3
4 is less than 5

Friends were very creative making 4 Black Dots page. Leora's 4 Black Dots can make one big flower, Nicole's 4 Black Dots can make 4 flowers, Sammy's 4 Black Dots can make a snowman.

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