Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath

Oh, how wonderful it was to see everyone after the hurricane Sandy. Boruch Hashem, everyone is healthy and solid and we are happy to restart school again. Pre-K friends talked about what happened to them during the hurricane. There is what they say,
During the hurricane, I was sitting in the bathtub and then the lights went out. Then we turn a lantern on. (Rochelle)
During the hurricane, to our house came my daddy's and mommy's friends and their little girl. (Dylan)
During the hurricane, lights went off. Clouds covered all sky. It was raining. I stayed all time inside. (Nicole)
During the hurricane, my basement broke and someone cracked the wall. (Benny)
During the hurricane, my house got flooded. Water went to my basement. Hot water came to me basement and my neighbors house. There were water puddles in my house.(Sam)
During the hurricane, I came to my cousin Medor's house and all his rooms didn't have electricity and then Max came to my house. And my cousin Molly also came to my house. ( Leora)
During the hurricane Sandy, it was raining. I wanted to go to park but I couldn't. (Ariella)
During the hurricane, there were fire outside of my house that started from the broken wire. Rain and wind broke the wire. (Eli)
During the hurricane, me and my family went to my grandma house because my mom said we supposed to go because a branch was about to fall down that is why we should stay inside. Lights went off. (Sammy)
I was at home. ( Ethan)

In the class, friends learned that hurricane forms in the ocean.  Every time a hurricane born it gets a name. When hurricanes  come onto land, their heavy rain, strong wind and large waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. It is very dangerous. Everyone should take a shelter during a hurricane.

Friends took the Sandy Aftermath trip around the neighborhood.

We saw broken cars, we saw wet ruined furniture, toys and clothes on the sidewalk. People left without places to live and food to eat.

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