Dear Parents,
Our trusty Pre-K camera has had its days and doesn't work anymore.
We are sending out a message to any parent from Pre-K who can so generously buy us a new camera in order that we can document all that we do during our day, and to keep you involved in our daily routine and fun by posting the pictures onto shutterfly and our blog.
Here you will find two links to cameras on sale for Cyber Monday. The first one from Amazon may get sold out pretty fast. If you won't have the option to buy it from Amazon anymore, please click on the second link which will bring you to Best Buy.
If you are willing to purchase one of these cameras on sale, it would be greatly appreciated if you can do so by end of tomorrow, Monday, Novemeber 26. which will be Cyber Monday. A day where lots of electronics are sold online for a significantly lower price then any other day of the year.
- Amazon - $129.99
-Best Buy - $122.99
Please email me if you have any questions.
Please email me or call school tomorrow before you buy the camera so as not to have more than one person purchasing the camera.
P.S. You can opt to chip in with others to split cost. :)
Thank you so much!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
All About Me- Feeling Angry
Feeling angry is not a good feeling. Everyone gets angry when things don't happen the way you want them to happen. Sometimes one takes your things without asking, one does things that hurt you, sometimes your things get lost or broken. You feel angry! You feel bad- tempered. Friends discussed what makes them angry. There are what they said,
"I feel angry when Tima pulls from me a toy and throws it in the garbage." (Nicole)
I feel angry when my mom makes food but it is taking too long, and then I need to watch a movie by myself. (Sammy)
I feel angry when my cousin Susan who is 14 doesn't listen to me, and when my cousin Angelina doesn't look at my Ipad when I want to show her something.( Rochelle)
I feel angry when someone takes my ball without permission. (Eli)
I feel angry when my brother grabs away a toy that I want. (Sam)
I feel angry when somebody wants hits me. (Ethan)
I feel angry when Spike comes into my room. Spike is a spider. (Etelle)
I feel angry when my brother grabs things away from me. (Benny)
I feel angry when my sister takes my car and my fake wolf away from me. (Gabriel)
I feel angry when my friend Eliana takes my toy and my costume away from me. (Ariella)
I feel angry when my friend grabs my bicycle that I drive away from me. (Dylan)
I feel angry when my grandma doesn't visit me. (Leora)
Everyone gets angry. When we angry, we might things that we shouldn't it. The best way to resolve it is to STOP, THINK and MAKE RIGHT CHOICE. When you feel angry step back so you would not hurt anyone. Sometimes it is better to walk away from people who make you angry. Talk to the person you are angry with. Tell the person why you feel the way you do. Ask the person to stop doing what's making you angry. It is ok to cry. Handle your anger in positive way.
"I feel angry when Tima pulls from me a toy and throws it in the garbage." (Nicole)
I feel angry when my mom makes food but it is taking too long, and then I need to watch a movie by myself. (Sammy)
I feel angry when my cousin Susan who is 14 doesn't listen to me, and when my cousin Angelina doesn't look at my Ipad when I want to show her something.( Rochelle)
I feel angry when someone takes my ball without permission. (Eli)
I feel angry when my brother grabs away a toy that I want. (Sam)
I feel angry when somebody wants hits me. (Ethan)
I feel angry when Spike comes into my room. Spike is a spider. (Etelle)
I feel angry when my brother grabs things away from me. (Benny)
I feel angry when my sister takes my car and my fake wolf away from me. (Gabriel)
I feel angry when my friend Eliana takes my toy and my costume away from me. (Ariella)
I feel angry when my friend grabs my bicycle that I drive away from me. (Dylan)
I feel angry when my grandma doesn't visit me. (Leora)
Everyone gets angry. When we angry, we might things that we shouldn't it. The best way to resolve it is to STOP, THINK and MAKE RIGHT CHOICE. When you feel angry step back so you would not hurt anyone. Sometimes it is better to walk away from people who make you angry. Talk to the person you are angry with. Tell the person why you feel the way you do. Ask the person to stop doing what's making you angry. It is ok to cry. Handle your anger in positive way.
All About Me- Feeling Scared
Pre-K Friends continue learning about themselves.This week we talked about FEELINGS. Sometimes we feel happy,
sometimes we feel sad. Some times we are
excited, some times we feel afraid. No one
likes to be scared or afraid. It is not a happy feeling. When we feel scared we might feel helpless, or might feel like running away. There is what friends said that they are afraid or scared of...
I feel scared that my foot starts to bleed and I couldn't walk. (Ethan)
I feel scared when someone knocks in my door. (Etelle)
I feel scared when my father suddenly opens a door. It makes my body shake. (Eli)
I feel scared when I hear a tree banging its branch against my window. (Leora)
I am scared of bulldogs. (Gabriel)
I am scared of bulldogs. (Gabriel)
I am afraid that my mom leaves without me. I am scared to be alone. (Nicole)
I feel scared when a monster comes to my room. (Benny)
I am a little bit scared of fire in my bed. (Sam)
I am scared of a stranger coming to my house. (Sammy)
I am afraid that a monster would come to my house. (Ariella)
I am scared of fire. (Dylan)
I am scared to watch scary movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". I might dream about this movie. (Rochelle)
We discussed that a good way to resolve our fears is to talk to someone about it. Sometimes we'll find out that we don't need to be scared or afraid of what is scaring us. At the same time, it is better to avoid (don't do) things that might scare us like watching scary movies, listening to scary stories, or thinking scary thoughts. Feeling afraid is ok. The important thing is to do whatever we can to resolve our fear.
Letter Zayin
This week our Mail Carrier was our dear friend Etelle. She brought us the letter Zayin.
Zayin has one little slanted line line on top and one big straight line coming down in the middle.
Hints to remember the letter form:
1. Zayin was falling asleep. ZZZzzzz!! (Little line) But his body quickly realized he wasnt in a bed so he stood himself up straight (big line).
2. Zemer - (instrument) begins with letter Zayin. When you blow a recorder zemer it looks like letter zayin. (See pic below :) )
Etelle our Mail Carrier
Gabriel blowing our zemer zayin recorder
Thursday, November 22, 2012
What does Thanksgiving teach us?
Long long time ago, in the land far away, there was a king who was very mean and rude to his people. Some people were UNHAPPY with him. They decided to go away from this country and find a free land where they can live the way they want. Over 100 people- pilgrims got together and bought a boat "Mayflower" then set for a journey. The weather was cold and UNCOMFORTABLE, the sea was rough. When pilgrims came to America, some friendly Indians helped them to settle down.
Some of Indianians stayed with the Pilgrims, and showed them how to plant their corn and wheat. After one year pass, Pilgrims invited Indians to join a feast! They sat together by a table and thanked G-d for food and friendship.
To continue the good Thanksgiving tradition of caring about others, Pre-K Friends participated in Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive. Thank you to all Pre-K Families for your 100% participation! Your care is truly teach our kids a very valuable lesson.
We shared a bottle of ketchup with our Nursery Friends. Sharing is caring! Caring is a very good feeling, it puts smiles on people faces.
To continue the good Thanksgiving tradition of caring about others, Pre-K Friends participated in Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive. Thank you to all Pre-K Families for your 100% participation! Your care is truly teach our kids a very valuable lesson.
We shared a bottle of ketchup with our Nursery Friends. Sharing is caring! Caring is a very good feeling, it puts smiles on people faces.
This week we learned
The letter of these two weeks is the letter U. To make one you need to be a really good driver because you need to know how to make the U-turn. Start from the top, big line goes down, makes U-turn and goes up.
The letter U makes /u/ sound like in words uncle (that you see above), umbrella, underwear, upside down.
To review the letter U sound, please visit An amazing site that is highly recommended for sound learners and first time readers:)
This week, we really dedicated our time to learn how to write numbers 1,2,3, and 4.
It seems easy at the beginning... We need to remember that all numbers made of lines and curves. All numbers start from the top.
First, we wrote number 1. It was the easiest! Just one straight line.
Second, we wrote number 2. A big curve and little line.
Third, we wrote number 3. Little curve, little curve.
At last, we wrote number 4. "Letter L" and a big line across.
Remember, practice make it perfect!
The letter U makes /u/ sound like in words uncle (that you see above), umbrella, underwear, upside down.
To review the letter U sound, please visit An amazing site that is highly recommended for sound learners and first time readers:)
This week, we really dedicated our time to learn how to write numbers 1,2,3, and 4.
It seems easy at the beginning... We need to remember that all numbers made of lines and curves. All numbers start from the top.
First, we wrote number 1. It was the easiest! Just one straight line.
Second, we wrote number 2. A big curve and little line.
Third, we wrote number 3. Little curve, little curve.
At last, we wrote number 4. "Letter L" and a big line across.
Remember, practice make it perfect!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Parshas Toldos
For more info on this weeks Parsha click on link below:
For a nice Parsha song click on link below:
Shabbos Party
For our Shabbos Party this week, we arranged vered (roses) flowers in "vases" made of tissue paper to decorate Shabbos table.
The girls got lipstick to dress up
Shabbos Ima and Abba
And the boys got mustaches to dress up
Letter Vov
Our Mail Man this week was our dear friend Ethan who brought us letter Vov. It has one little line on top, and one big line coming down on the right side.
Vov looks like a vered (Hebrew word for rose).
One little line for the vered and one big line for the stem.
Letter Hey
Our Mail Carrier was our dear friend Leora who brought us Letter Hey.
It has one big line on top, one big line coming down on the right side, and one little line coming down on the left side.
Hashem - G-D begins with the letter hey. We know that Hashem is everywhere, watching us, and taking care of us although we can not see Him.
Hashem is here,
Hashem is there,
Hashem is truly everywhere. 2x
Up, up, down, down,
Right, left, and all around,
Here, there and everywhere,
Is where He can be found. 2x
Hashem is here,
Hashem is there,
Hashem is truly everywhere. 2x
Up, up, down, down,
Right, left, and all around,
Here, there and everywhere,
Is where He can be found. 2x
Parshas Chayei Sara
For more info on the parsha click link below:
For a nice song on the Parsha click link below:
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Letter and Number of the Week
The letter of the week was the letter I. To make one we need one big line and two little lines. The I says /i/ like in words ink, igloo, inside. Friends learned that a newborn baby is called INFANT. Bug with six legs, three parts of body, two antennas... is called INSECT and there is a kind of lizard that is called IGUANA, All these words start with the letter I. Please visit link to review the letter I sound. This coming week, Pre-K friends are going to review the sounds of the letter E and I.
Friends were very creative making 4 Black Dots page. Leora's 4 Black Dots can make one big flower, Nicole's 4 Black Dots can make 4 flowers, Sammy's 4 Black Dots can make a snowman.
The number of the week is the number 4. Friends easily found the number on the number line. It was easy, said friends. It stays right after 3, before number 5.
4 is more than 3
4 is less than 5
What would you do if it happens to you?
Pre-K learned new word- EVACUATION! It means take everything that is important and leave to safe place. For example, Ethan's grandparents evacuated to Ethan's house. Leora's family evacuated to her cousin's house.
We asked friends what would they take with them if they had to leave their house in emergency.
There is what they say,
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would put my diving shorts in my suitcase and take it with me. (Benny)
If had to leave my house in an emergency, I would take my cousins if they slept at my house, my toy snakes for them to have and fake strawberry shortcakes. ( Leora)
If had to leave my house in an emergency, I would take my cousins if they slept at my house, my toy snakes for them to have and fake strawberry shortcakes. ( Leora)
If I had to evacuate my house, I would take my clothing, my pajamas, my toy, and a flashlight. (Sammy)
If I would have to evacuate my house, I would take clothes and pajamas. (Sam)
If I had to evacuate, I would take my family, my dolls, my toys, my cat and dog. (Ariella)
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would take apples, cups and my brother. (Dylan)
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would take a car to go faster to a safe place. (Eli)
If I had to evacuate my house before a hurricane, I would take a fork to eat with, food, and my baby, and a rope to save someone, and pizza. (Ethan)
If I had to evacuate my house, I would take makeup. (Nicole)
If I had to evacuate from my house before a hurricane, I would take my orange teddy bear with curly fur. (Rochelle)
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath
Oh, how wonderful it was to see everyone after the hurricane Sandy. Boruch Hashem, everyone is healthy and solid and we are happy to restart school again. Pre-K friends talked about what happened to them during the hurricane. There is what they say,
During the hurricane, I was sitting in the bathtub and then the lights went out. Then we turn a lantern on. (Rochelle)
During the hurricane, to our house came my daddy's and mommy's friends and their little girl. (Dylan)
During the hurricane, lights went off. Clouds covered all sky. It was raining. I stayed all time inside. (Nicole)
During the hurricane, my basement broke and someone cracked the wall. (Benny)
During the hurricane, my house got flooded. Water went to my basement. Hot water came to me basement and my neighbors house. There were water puddles in my house.(Sam)
During the hurricane, I came to my cousin Medor's house and all his rooms didn't have electricity and then Max came to my house. And my cousin Molly also came to my house. ( Leora)
During the hurricane Sandy, it was raining. I wanted to go to park but I couldn't. (Ariella)
During the hurricane, there were fire outside of my house that started from the broken wire. Rain and wind broke the wire. (Eli)
During the hurricane, me and my family went to my grandma house because my mom said we supposed to go because a branch was about to fall down that is why we should stay inside. Lights went off. (Sammy)
I was at home. ( Ethan)
In the class, friends learned that hurricane forms in the ocean. Every time a hurricane born it gets a name. When hurricanes come onto land, their heavy rain, strong wind and large waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. It is very dangerous. Everyone should take a shelter during a hurricane.
Friends took the Sandy Aftermath trip around the neighborhood.
We saw broken cars, we saw wet ruined furniture, toys and clothes on the sidewalk. People left without places to live and food to eat.
Ecxitments of the week
A week before hurricane Sandy, friends had an exciting trip to the Eurofitness Gym!
We had a lot of fun there.
Friends not only played there but exercised their muscles
On Wednesday, Pre-K friends with their parents got together for "The Loaves of Love" event.
They made challah for elderly people.
Challah was baked in our school and distributed by older grades kids in Senior citizen houses.
Is it fall yet?
On Thursday, Pre-K friends had a trip to the Prospect Park to look for the Fall Signs.
"Is it fall yet? "asked morah.
Yes,said Gabriel, it is fall. Air smells like fallen leaves.
Yes, said Benny, fall is when leaves change their color.
Yes, said a member of NYC Parks Department, fall is time to rake.
Yes, said Sam, fall is time to find HUGE leaves.
Yes, said Dylan, fall is time to jump into piles!
Yes, said Etelle, fall is time to wear jackets and "hats".
Yes, said Morah, fall is time for harvest.
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