Saturday, January 19, 2013

Our Community- Police Officers and Safety Rules

This week Pre-K friends discussed the role of police in the community.
There is what friends said about police.
Sammy: Police officers have hats, police shirts, police uniforms. They have uniform. Police officers have guns.
Rochelle: Police officers have cars with lights, and they have tickets.
Dylan: Police have motorcycle, uniform, and shooting guns.
Ethan: Police officers have cars, handcuffs, and they have jail to put bad guys who steal money in.
Eli: Police officers do army. They protect people with soldiers who have guns.
Etelle: Police officers need jail. It is very important. If bad guys do something bad they go to jail. Food is not kosher in jail that is why Jewish people can't go there.
Nicole: Police officers would give a ticket to those who do not buckle.
Benny: If police officers see bad guys they will put handcuffs them and take them to jail.
Ariella: If police officers see bad guys they would shoot them. If the bad guys steal money, police officers will put them into the jail.
Leora: Police officers will put bad guys in jail if there are in community.

Friends learned that around the world, police officers help people, they keep them safe. Police officers make sure people follow peaceful rules. If you want to become a police officer you need to care about people, stay calm no matter what and be able to solve problem.  Police officers train at special school. They learn about laws, how to be safe with guns, and how to help people who are hurt. To get around, police officers use different transportation: cars, motorcylces, horses, bicycles, helicopters and even boats. Police officers help people in many ways: they stop crimes, direct traffic, and stop speeders, they help lost children find their parents.

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