Sunday, January 20, 2013

Letter Lamed

Benny delivered letter Lamed to Pre-K this week. Lamed has one little line coming down, one big line across, and one big slanted line coming down.
Mnemonic for letter lamed: a boy holding a lulav looks like letter lamed.

We learned about Lashon Tov and Lashon Horah and specifically spent the better part of the week working on Lashon Tov. Lashon Tov means speaking nicely to and about others, while Lashon Horah can be considered tattling and hurtful. One way to prevent Lashon Horah is by speaking directly with the individual and working out the situation. (In an emergency we should turn to an adult.)

No lashon horah should be said, 
From the time we wake up, until the time we go to bed,
Unless it's an emergency, then tell.

For the Shabbos party, we made challah lachmaniyot- challa rolls.
Lachmaniyot begins with lamed.

L'chaim also begins with lamed

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