Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pre-K Last Weekend News

The Weekend is a special time for families. Everyone is at home, we spend time together doing different things. On Monday, when friends came back to school, they were eager to share their weekend news! Here is for your attention the Last Weekend Pre-K News.
"This weekend, I became a Big Brother."( Dylan)
"This weekend, I cleaned up my room. My mom gave my sister a chip." (Benny)
"This weekend, my grandparents and my little brother were in my house. My parents went on a party. I wrote something nice to my parents." Ethan
"This weekend, I saw lots of houses and went to my house, and cleaned my toys, and helped my mom to bake mushrooms, and change my brother, and I got milk for him all by myself." (Etelle)
"This weekend, I went to jungle and played on the vine." (Rochelle)
"This weekend, I cleaned my room." (Gabriel)
"This weekend, I went apple picking." ( Leora)
"This weekend, I slept on a bunk bed, and I went to the deep water and I swam there, and I went on a snake that had a rope that held me up and I was floating." (Sam)
"This weekend, I went with my family to my mom's sister house to celebrate her Happy Birthday. We slept there." (Eli)

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