Sunday, October 21, 2012

All About Me- My Friends

There lived one small neshama in Shamaim (heaven). It was never alone, it happily lived with Hashem. Did Hashem need a little neshama? Very much! He loved to be surrounded by bright colored light and kind neshamas. Did neshama need Hashem? Yes, very much because Hashem was a part of it. One day, Hashem heard a prayer of mommy and tatty who asked for a little baby. "Hashem, they asked, please send us a baby. We will love him and take care of him. We will make sure he learns Torah and do mitzvahs." Hashem saw that mommy and tatty have a big need for a baby. He sent a little neshama to them. When a little neshama was born, he was not alone because he was surronded with Hashem's love and love of his parents.Little neshama needed his parents very much. After few Happy Birthdays, a little neshama went to school and met other neshamas who needed him very much- his morahs. Little neshama needed his morahs too. “They will teach me a lot of things”, said he to his parents. They will teach me Alef Beis and Torah, and other things”. Little neshama met other little neshamas that looked almost like him. They were the same age, there were almost the same height, they almost liked the same things… Did little neshama need other little neshamas? You bet! He had fun with them, he read with them, he build most creative buildings with them. Who are they these little neshamas? FRIENDS.

Pre-K Friends discussed who they call friends.

Friends are children who play together. (Leora)
Friends use polite words. (Etelle)
Friends share, play fair and kind to each other. (Ethan)
Friends give each other toys or presents. (Dylan)
Friends cheer each other up when one of them feel sad.
Friends call to with Refua Sheleyma when one is sick.
Friends lend each other whatever they need.
Friends help each other.
Friends happy to see each other.

Why do we need friends?
We need friends to play with. (Eli)
We need friends so we can share with them toys and food.(Nicole and Etelle)
We need friends because they have neshamas and we need meet new friends. (Ethan)
We need friends because they can meet my cousins. (Leora)
We need friends to have fun and play together. ( Rochelle, Sam and Gabriel)
We need friends to be happy. (Ariella)
We need friends  to share snack. (Benny)
We need friends so we can learn from each other. (Morahs)

What can I teach my friend?
Leora said, she can teach Rochelle how to do a cartwheel.
Sam said, he can teach Ethan how to build a house.
Nicole said, she can teach Ariella hoe to share.
Dylan said, he can teach Ethan how to be kind.
Etelle said, she can teach Leora how to be quiet when a baby sleeps.
Rochell said, she can teach Dylan how to play volleyball.
Gabriel said, he can teach Rochelle how to play catch.
Eathan said, he can teach Benny how to build a house.
Eli said, he can teach Sam about tractors.
Benny said, he can teach Gabriel how to build house.

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