Monday, April 22, 2013

Israel Independence Day/ Israel Week

Last Monday was Yom Ha'atzmaut-Israel Independence Day- the day on which Israel was reclaimed by the Jewish people for the Jewish people.
In Israel the people speak Hebrew.
What is so special about Israel? Israel is a holy gift given to the Jewish Nation by Hashem which has always and will always belong to us. In this place the holy  Beis Hamikdosh was built. 
Every time the Jewish people were able to return to our Land after having been been forced out of it, we would rebuild and replant once again to reestablish our Land. We have always taken care of this precious gift treated it as something special.
The Israeli's didnt have much so they thought about what could be created to be beneficial for the Jewish people and others around the world. They used their imagination to invent many different things. 

We learned about two of their many inventions:
1. Snow Maker: a machine that makes snow used for ski mountains and to cool off gold mines in South Africa, etc..
2. Rumikub- a number game played by Israeli's and people worldwide.

We wrote thank you cards and well wishes to the soldiers in Israel and was delivered to them by one of the Grandmas in another class who was going to Israel.

What kind of food is Israel famous for? FALAFEL!

To end our Israel Week with fun, we dressed up with the blue and white colors of the Israeli flag and made a falafel meal. We diced the cucumbers, tomatoes, and pickles into very small pieces, just as the Israelis do, stuffed pita pockets with them and topped them with a techina dip.

Eli showing us pictures of Israel and telling about the experience of his uncle who was a soldier in the Israeli army. 
Thank you to Sam, Eli, Sammy, Dylan, Leora, and Benny for bringing in Israel show n' tell, books, stories, and pictures from Israel and about Israel.

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