Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sefiras HaOmer

Making the Sefiras Ha'Omer Count Down Chart from Pesach until Shavuos.
49 days in all.

Lag Ba'Omer

Many years ago, there lived a young boy who wasn't able to go to school and learning was very difficult for him. However, as he was kind and cared about people, he cared about animals just the same. He became a shepherd taking care of sheep and making sure they were well fed and got enough rest and exercise. 

When he got old enough he got married to a smart woman called Rochel. His wise wife Rochel gave him good advice: "Akiva, it's never too late to start learning Torah. If you try hard, you will be able to learn Torah and understand everything you've studied. 

Akiva took Rochel's advice and went to yeshiva with little children just beginning to learn the Alef Bais. He worked hard to learn the Hebrew letters, how to read them and daven, and then to learn Torah. He stayed in yeshiva for 12 years, feeling that he was "unlocking his brain" while finally becoming a great Rabbi. 

Akiva missed his wife dearly and after 12 years decided it was time to go home. When he arrived, he didn't get to go inside his house when he overheard his wife telling a neighbor that she missed Akiva so much but would be happy if he would stay in yeshiva for another 12 years. That was exactly what Akiva did: he turned around and went back to yeshiva for another 12 years. All his students were happy to see Akiva. Because he was very special, kind and smart, Akiva became the Rabbi of 24,000 students. Awesome! :)

Actually, each of Rabbi Akiva's students were also rabbis, and each student really cared about all the other students. However, there was a very serious issue circulating. They cared so much about each other that it was difficult for each student to let another person have his own idea and opinion on different questions in the Torah because everyone thought only his way was correct. This created a situation where the students began to not get along, even though, in reality, all their opinions were correct. Hashem saw that these holy people couldn't leave room or respect for someone else to have an opinion of their own and made them get sick. 

We celebrate Lag B'Omer as the day the students stopped getting sick. Sefirah and Lag Ba'Omer are the times during which we work on ourselves to be kind and care about other people and their feelings even if we don't agree with them.

~In our classroom, we began a "Caring Mitzva Note Chart" at this appropriate time around Lag Ba'Omer. How it works is when we see friends noticing another and doing kind acts such as, complementing, helping a person in need..., we write it down on a special pink or red paper which we interlink on a chain that we tape onto a big paper heart after reading them out loud. 

Us as people are connected. Doing kind things for people shows we care about them. Interlinking the kind deeds done shows how it connects us and makes us a strong unit.

Parshas Emor

Parshah Coloring Book, click to print
For more info on the Parsha click link below:

For a nice song on the Parsha click link below:

Letter Koof

This week our Mail Carrier was our dear friend Leora. She delivered the Koof to us from the outside. Koof has one big line on top, one big line coming down, one extra big line coming down on the other side not being attached to the top. Remember to make that second line extra big so one can see the difference between Hay and Koof.
Koof looks like a kangaroo, a head and body on top, short hands on one side, and long feet on the other.

Leora our Mail Carrier

Kangaroo is a Hebrew word as well which begins with letter Koof.

Writing letter Koof with Cafeh- coffee which begins with letter Koof

Topping of letter Koof week with a light Coffee drink for breakfast.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Our World - Light III

Outside play led friends to an accidental discovery of a "sunny bunny" - sunbeam. How it is happened? Friends discovered that  a mirror caught a glance of sun ray and bounced it off - reflected on the ground, on the walls and on friends themselves:) Same  thing happens with everything that we see around us. Because light bounce off the things, we and things around us can be seen. Friends agreed that we can't see a thing in dark because there is no light.
Friends had great time catching "sunny bunny".

Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov to our dear friend Sam who turned last week 5 years old!
Friends and Morahs wish Sam to be healthy, to have cakes and racing cars, to marry Jewish girl, to learn Torah and be a good Jewish boy.
Dear Sam's mom and dad, Dov and grandparents, may you have only simcha from Sam.
Friends expressed their thanks for party bags in honor of Sam's Birthday.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Letter Tzaddik Sofis

This week we learned Tzaddik Sofis. It has one extra big slanted line coming down and one little slanted line up from the big line. Tzaddik Sofis can only come at the end of a word, such as, aytz- tree.
Hint to remember form of the letter: There were super strong winds outside, the tree was shaking, the strong winds caused the tree to bend, and all but one branch survived. 


Parshas Acharei Mos Kedoshim

For more info on the Parsha click here:
Acharei Mos- http://www.torahtots.com/parsha/vayikra/acharei2.htm
Kedoshim- http://www.torahtots.com/parsha/vayikra/kedosh2.htm

For a nice song on the Parsha click here:

Israel Independence Day/ Israel Week

Last Monday was Yom Ha'atzmaut-Israel Independence Day- the day on which Israel was reclaimed by the Jewish people for the Jewish people.
In Israel the people speak Hebrew.
What is so special about Israel? Israel is a holy gift given to the Jewish Nation by Hashem which has always and will always belong to us. In this place the holy  Beis Hamikdosh was built. 
Every time the Jewish people were able to return to our Land after having been been forced out of it, we would rebuild and replant once again to reestablish our Land. We have always taken care of this precious gift treated it as something special.
The Israeli's didnt have much so they thought about what could be created to be beneficial for the Jewish people and others around the world. They used their imagination to invent many different things. 

We learned about two of their many inventions:
1. Snow Maker: a machine that makes snow used for ski mountains and to cool off gold mines in South Africa, etc..
2. Rumikub- a number game played by Israeli's and people worldwide.

We wrote thank you cards and well wishes to the soldiers in Israel and was delivered to them by one of the Grandmas in another class who was going to Israel.

What kind of food is Israel famous for? FALAFEL!

To end our Israel Week with fun, we dressed up with the blue and white colors of the Israeli flag and made a falafel meal. We diced the cucumbers, tomatoes, and pickles into very small pieces, just as the Israelis do, stuffed pita pockets with them and topped them with a techina dip.

Eli showing us pictures of Israel and telling about the experience of his uncle who was a soldier in the Israeli army. 
Thank you to Sam, Eli, Sammy, Dylan, Leora, and Benny for bringing in Israel show n' tell, books, stories, and pictures from Israel and about Israel.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ariella!

Mazel Tov to our dearest friend Ariella on her 5th Happy Birthday!
Morahs and friends wish Ariella to be healthy and happy, to have a lot of friends and a lot of toys.
Mazel Tov and thank you to Ariella's parents who joined friends for a little celebration.
 Friends thank you for the presents in honor of Ariella's Birthday!

Excitments of the week

On Monday, we went to GYM:) Friends had super fun!

Friends continue discover signs of the spring. Come to see our pictures.
Look what happens when girls over take the block center.
An amazing fence along a wall is built with interesting design.
New inhabitants had arrived in our class- tiny hungry caterpillars and tiny hungry ladybug larva.


Letter of the week was the letter M.
To make one friends need four lines. Big line goes down, jumps up, slide down, goes up and down.
Letter M says /m/ in names of Leora's brother Michael and cousin Meedor, Eli's mom Milana and his sister Michelle, Ethan's mom Mila, Sam's mom Maya, Etelle's mom Milana and Ariella's mom Marina. Gabriel's whole family carries a last name that start with the letter M- Melnikov.
It is not easy to write the letter M. Friends tried their best to remember to start from the top.
This week friends practice to read book number 3.
Friends pay attention to characters of the book and line story.
Dear Parents, please encourage your kids reading to every one who is available to listen.
Practice makes it better!   

Our World- Light II

This week friends learned that light moves in straight lines. Tiny light particles try to get everywhere.
How light gets in our class, houses or apartments. How? Some things let light through. We call them transparent or see through. Such things like glass, see through cups, windows in houses and cars are transparent. Other things can stop light, block light rays- we call these things opaque. All solid things are opaque. Opaque things make shadows.  Trees, building, cars, birds, and even our bodies are opaque.
When the sun is in front of us, our shadow is behind.
When the sun is behind us, our shadow is in front.
Friends noticed that shadow is only seen where there is light. No light, no shadow.  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rosh Chodesh Iyar

The Rosh Chodesh Rally we had for the new Hebrew month Iyar.

Its a month in which we focus on loving, being kind, and looking out for others just as we would ourselves.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Parshas Tazria Metzorah

For more info on the Parsha click link below:

For a song on the Parsha click link below:

Letter Tzaddik

This week we learned letter Tzaddik. It has one big slanted line coming down, one big line on the bottom, jump back up and make one little slanted line coming down onto the big slanted line. It isnt a super easy letter to form but we know with enough practice we will know it very well.
The letter Tzaddik can come at the beginning or middle of a word.

Tzipor begins with Tzaddik

Tzeddaka begins with Tzaddik

Tzipornayim- nails begins with Tzaddik.
The girls got their tzipornayim done at the Pre-K Nail Salon on Friday morning in time for our Shabbos Party. Each girl chose their own colors and patterns.

Tzitzis begins with Tzaddik.
The boychicks decorated a pair of tzitzis for our class with fabric markers. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

This week we learned

Letter of this week was the letter V. Friends were happy to learn that Dylan's mom name and Rochelle's mom name start with this letter.  To make letter V one needs two big slanted lines. To review the "V" sound please visit www.starfall.com The letter of next week is the letter M.

In Math, Pre-K friends learn numbers from 10- 20!
Number 11 was this week target. Friends learned that 11 is between 10 and 12.
It is 1more than 10, and 1 less than 12. Friends started a new math book from 11-15

Additional to numbers and shapes, friends learn about time. Time is how long something takes. Some things take a short time, some things take a long time. A season is a long amount of time. There are four seasons in one year. The seasons change as the Earth travels around the Sun. Friends shared that they like New York four seasons. We use our senses to know the season. Friends said that they feel spring warm weather and can see spring flowers, and smell them.

Our World- Light

This week Pre-K friends has started exciting unit “Our World." If you slow down for a moment and start to pay attention on the things around you, you will be amazed. Hashem creates the world for us with kindness. On the first day of creation, Hashem created light and separated it from the dark. Hashem saw that light is good. Friends discussed why light is good,
" Light is good because when it is dark you can bump into walls and carriages  You need to put hands up to touch and  feel things around you. When it is light you don't do it. When it is light we could see, play and eat. (Ethan)
Light is good because we can see. When it is dark we can use flashlights. (Sammy)
When it is light, we could see everything, toys and babies. (Benny) Dylan added to Benny's remarks that babies are more important.
Light is good because people will be not scared and they will see things around. (Etelle)
Light is good because we can see where to go. (Nicole)
Light is good because we can see while reading.(Gabriel)
Light is good because it allows us to see our moms, dads and babies. (Ariella) 
Light is good because we can find babies and toys. (Rochelle) 
Light is good because we can see our family. (Dylan) 
Light is good because we can see, summarized Leora. 

There is day light and night light. What things make light? Together friends created list of things that make light. Main source of day light is SUN! Friends learned that sun is the closest star to Earth. It is yellow star, it gives us light and warmth. Night lights are things that we can see at night- stars, fireflies. Some friends suggested to add MOON to our list. They were surprised to learn that moon doesn't make own light it reflects sun light. There is not much light during night. Therefore, we use fire and electricity- candles, fire, flashlights, lights and lamps. What are other source of light? Fireflies, lighting, and fireworks. 

Things that make light are HOT! Friends learned some safety rules regarding each light source. 
Sun Safety Rules-
Do not look directly at sun it might damage your eyes. Wear sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat when you are outside. Do not forget to drink plenty of water. 
Starts Safety Rules- 
Stars are hot. They can be blue, red and yellow. Blue stars are the hottest. It is safe to stay on Earth and observe stars in telescopes. 
Candle and fire safety rules- 
Do not play with candles or fire. They are hot. 
Light and flashlights Safety Rules- 
Electricity is very dangerous. Don't touch the outlets. Turned on light bulbs are very hot. 
Lighting Safety Rules- 
Do not ever hide under a tree. If it is thunder stay insides.