Sunday, February 3, 2013

Our Community- Firefighters and Fire Safety!

The important members of our community is Firefighters.
Pre-K friends met with firefighters at one of the local fire houses.
We witnessed how they work. As soon as we came in, they got an emergency call.
Firefighters very quickly put protective suits on and jumped in a Big Red Fire Truck.  
They turned siren and lights on, so driving by cars will clear the way for a rushing fire truck.
To our luck, another team of firefighters came for regular visit to see if our school is fire safe: working smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and free way exits.  Firefighters taught friends important fire safety rules- never play with matches or candles, do not touch hot objects, if you smell smoke or see fire warn adults and get out of house as soon as possible, know your name and an address when call 911, if you don't know where are you don't hang up the phone until operator locates your call.
After firefighter left, we decided to see if our school is fire safe indeed. We found 4 smoke alarms, 3 fire extinguishers, and 2 exits.

Friends learned how to act in case of fire. First, try a door knob with the outer side of your hand. Why? That's way you don't get a burn. If it is hot, do not open a door. Open a window and scream "FIRE". Don't hide under a bed or in a closet. If a door knob is cold, open it.
If you see smoke, act like a baby- get down and crawl. Why? Smoke is very dangerous. It can make a person sick. But smoke is lighter than air, it goes all the way up. Therefore, we need to get down for fresh air. It is important, to have an emergency plan and practice it.  

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