Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our Community- Wants

People have needs, things that they can't live without- food, water, sleep. clothes and home.
But we have few wants too. For example, when we want to have good time with family or friends. 
We might go to movies, zoo, bowling, or have meal at Pizza Shop. For things that we need or want, people pay money.  As you see above, friends reviewing money concept- penny and nickel, are paying for movie tickets- 5 cents for a ticket.
Next day, friends visited a bowling alley. 
Two teams- Red and Blue met to match their bowling abilities. 
We had a great time.   
And finally, on Thursday, friends visited a Pizza Shop 
where they made own pizzas! 
First, friends flattened lumps of dough into big flat circles or ovals. 
Then, they had spread tomato sauce onto pizzas. 

Then, they sprinkled pizzas with cheese and took to a baker. A baker shoveled pizzas into the hot oven. In few minutes, we enjoyed crispy yummy cheese pizzas. 

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