Sunday, May 12, 2013

Letter Shin

This week Sammy delivered the letter Shin to Pre-K. Shin has a big line across on the bottom, three lines coming down and one dot on the right.
Hint #1  to remember the dot goes on the right for Shin: When we say Shma in davening we use our right hand. Shma begins with Shin. 
Hint # 2: to remember that dot goes on right for Shin we learned a song. For this song you and your friend will need your right hand free.When we shake someone hands we use our right hand. We learned a song that goes like this:
Give him your right hand, 
Look him in the eye, 
Put a smile on your face,
And then you say SHALOM!

Shabbos begins with Shin

Shokolad- Chocholate begiins with the Letter Shin

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