Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pre-K Literacy Month has officially started!

Dear Pre-K Friends,
We are pleased to announce that Literacy Month has officially started! This Friday, Eli's mom read friends book "Let's Stay Safe!" The book teaches important safety rules: wear a helmet when you ride a bike, don't open a door without parents' permission, have a family emergency plan, and don't talk or take anything from strangers without parents' permission.

Dear Parents,
many exciting activities and events are planned - all aimed at increasing our children's love of reading!  Thank you to all parents who already signed in for reading in our classroom. We now how busy you are. Remember, that our door is open for every member of your family- grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, cousins and uncles, aunts and even close friends:) Pre-K friends will be very excited to see everyone in our classroom.
Here are some guidelines to consider when you choose a book:
a) It should be a book that your child enjoys reading at home (you would know the one. It is one that was read a million times and you know this book by heart already, but your child somehow never tired to listen to it again and again:)
b) The average length of the books we read in class is about 5-10 minutes long to accommodate the attention of the children when being read to in a group.

Please let me know which title you have selected, so that I can ensure that you don't end up reading the same book as another parent :)
Morah Inna and Friends

P.S. THIS WEEK! On Wednesday, friends will visit Brooklyn Library. If your child has a library card, please, send it with him or her to school. Children will choose 1-2 books to take home. Remember, that in three weeks these books should be returned to any library.
On Thursday, friends will visit Mazel School Book Fair and purchase some books. Please send $10 with your child to school anytime before Thursday. It would be helpful if you find time to visit the Book Fair yourself and check the books are offered for sale. Please, let me know if you have any book preferences for you child, or you have some of the books at home already.

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