Saturday, December 22, 2012

Our Community - Our School

Community. What is it?  Friends learned that community is made by people who live, work or play together and make decisions together... Is our class a community? Yes, side by side friends learn and play together. Everyone in our community has responsibilities.

For example, Etelle was a nurse this week.
She responsibly took care of all the boo-booes applying antiseptic spray and bandages.
Friends discussed how we need each other.  What are morahs responsibilities? Friends need morahs who teach them, morahs need friends to teach. But what are morahs other responsibilities?

Friends visited Nursery and Pre-Nursery Classes to talk to morahs about their responsibilities.
 Morah Tammy, Sarah, Frumie and Perl said that they make sure that friends are safe, healthy, and happy. And one more thing- morahs make sure that friends learn. But who takes responsibilities to get everything that morahs  need for teaching? Books,  paper, and markers. How lunches and snacks get to our school? Who is responsible for this?  

To find out answers on these questions, friends visited the school office. There we met Inna, Nata and Naama.  They told friends that each of them is responsible for different things. Inna is responsible for all orders morahs make- books, paper, and markers. Nata is responsible for copies and binding books. Naama is responsible for our trips and fixing our lunches if there is any issues. We didn't loose opportunity and mentioned to her that Pre-K would like to get more chicken nuggets and ketchup and less grilled veggies.  We discussed as well what are Gena's and Izabelle responsibilities.
Next week, we will discuss what makes a peaceful community.

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