Friday, September 28, 2012

Numbers and Shape of the week

Pre-K friends learned about numbers Zero and One. We learned that "ZERO" means nothing but it is first on the number line where every number stands on its place following each other in order. We learned that Zero is less than One, and that it can't change anything. For example, you have one cookie and you get zero more, you still have one cookie.

Look at the number line! What does follow the number zero?

Number ONE! What did we learn about number one? On the number line, it stands between zero and two. It is 1more than 0, but 1 less than 2. This week, Pre-K friends started to learn about the number 2. Two stands between One and Three. Two is one less than three and one more than one. 

Pre-K Friends also learned about Cindy Circle.
"Cindy Circle. Just one line.
Go around. That is fine. "
There are so many things that are shaped like a circle. Our classroom clock is in a circle shape. 
Can you find any circle shaped things at your home?  

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